Interview Tips!

This week, we had the pleasure of featuring three different people for our Saturday post! We posted them separately on social media because we wanted to make sure everyone got to see each of them– and now we’re excited to be posting all three in this video on the site!

Our first guest, a frequent contributor on this website (check out his blog post or section on the posse scholarship), is Ismail Abalo-Toga, who talked specifically about Scholarship Interviews. Next, Patrick McCreery, the Associate Dean of Students at the Gallatin school of Individualized Studies at NYU, talked to us about college interviews. Finally, Olivia Brady, Youth Engagement Coordinator for the NYC Campaign Finance Board, gave us some general tips for interviews of any kind!

A special thank you to all three of you, and we hope this video is useful!


A Conversation with the Young Lordes Collective


Workbook exchange project