Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code is an organization focused around filling the gender gap in the technology world by connecting with and helping young girls interested in STEM learn more! They have a wide variety of programs, from summer immersion programs for 10-12th graders, to college loops, meant to help college ages women form connections and succeed in the tech industry. Today, we’re focusing on clubs, which you can bring to your school as long as you have a computer and internet access.

To hear from Andi Green, now a Freshman at Princeton University, who started a girls who code club at the High School of American Studies, check out our latest intsagram post! She talks a lot about how they got started and what the club did at her high school, so it’s a pretty cool thing to take a look at if you’re on the fence about this. As she says, all you need is some interest and the rest is provided by the organization. Facilitators (the adult who will supervise and guide the club members) do need to be eighteen, but don’t have to have any prior coding experience. If you’re interested, and know an adult who has 1-2 hours a week to spare, send them this link so they can learn more and help you create the club.

To check out some of the projects made through clubs and the other Girls Who Code programs, head over to the HQ page of their website. There’s a huge range in what you can do with this awesome organization. Finally, if you don’t think you can get a group of interested members together or find a willing facilitator, Girl Who Code has been posting free online coding activities every Monday since the pandemic started. They even have a cool five part series on building an activist toolkit that’s worth checking out.

See you guys next week!


Summer Youth Employment Program


Highly Indy